by Phoebe E. Neseth, Esq. | Jan 30, 2020 | Federal Advocacy, State Advocacy
Forty-six state legislatures will convene this year and thousands of bills will be filed at the state level. While CAI focuses on issues and trends that directly impact the 73.5 million Americans living in community associations, there are dozens of other emerging...
by Dawn Bauman, CAE | Jan 29, 2020 | Community Association Guidance, Federal Advocacy
Agency clarifies whether internet certificates are valid and the types of animals that can provide emotional support The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released guidance yesterday for individuals requesting an accommodation for an assistance...
by Phoebe E. Neseth, Esq. | Jan 16, 2020 | Court Cases, State Advocacy
Every year, the Community Association Law Seminar presents a review of significant appellate cases that shaped community association law in the prior year. These cases focus on upcoming, emerging trends in association jurisprudence that are sure to advance the legal...
by Phoebe E. Neseth, Esq. | Jan 9, 2020 | Federal Advocacy, State Advocacy
Forty-four states begin their 2020 legislative session this month and thousands of bills will be introduced. As we begin this new year, CAI wants to remind you of the resources we have to assist with any advocacy or lobbying efforts on behalf of the 347,000 community...