CAI Board of Trustees Approves Public Policy on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
When an issue arises that impacts CAI members, CAI develops a public policy position to guide volunteer advocates and staff in their advocacy efforts. On January 23, 2019, the CAI Board of Trustees adopted a public policy on electric vehicle charging stations.
What legislative trends can you expect to see in 2018?
As legislative sessions are approaching, we have compiled a short list of issues we predict will trend in states legislatures in 2018. While the following are by no means the only issues facing community associations in the next year, we expect these five to pop up in...
Is Your Community Ready for the Model 3 Launch? (Think Electric Vehicles)
Tesla will be live streaming the launch of 30 of its less-expensive, but-still-cool Model 3 vehicles at 8:45 p.m. EDT on July 28. Another 100 are to be rolled out in August followed by 1,500 in September. Total sales are estimated at 400,000 vehicles. Earlier this...