by Dawn Bauman, CAE | Mar 27, 2020 | Community Association Guidance
Federal Government Action-Federal regulatory agencies have mandated moratoriums on mortgage foreclosures and evictions and instituted loan forbearance programs. Congress passed stimulus legislation impacting small businesses, employees, and individuals. State Government Action-CAI is tracking state government action, and we’ve compiled the following information: Emergency Declarations, State Health Department, State at Home Order, Foreclosure Actions, and Eviction Actions.
by Phoebe E. Neseth, Esq. | Mar 19, 2020 | Disaster Relief
As of March 18, NCSL reports 16 states and one territory have postponed their legislative sessions: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virgin Islands, and Wisconsin. Some are considering scheduling special sessions for later this year. Many of these postponements and suspensions will last until the end of March when legislators will reassess the status of the COVID-19 pandemic.
by Dawn Bauman, CAE | Mar 16, 2020 | State Advocacy
Everywhere you turn, there’s information about COVID-19. It’s in notifications of event cancellations, school closings, scientific information and forecasting, and more. With President Donald Trump banning travel of foreign nationals from Europe to the U.S (except the...
by Phoebe E. Neseth, Esq. | Mar 6, 2020 | State Advocacy
Maryland’s Revenue Subcommittee voted against HB 1623, which would expand sales tax to innumerable services never taxed before by the state. This was no easy feat though. During a five-and-a-half-hour hearing, 112 industries and Governor Hogan’s office testified in...