Every year, the Community Association Law Seminar presents a review of significant appellate cases that shaped community association law in the prior year. These cases focus on upcoming, emerging trends in association jurisprudence that are sure to advance the legal landscape of community associations.

CAI’s outstanding case law update team reviewed 450 relevant cases from the past year, summarized 300, and presented 70 to the more than 600 attendees at the 2020 Law Seminar.

Many trends in litigation coincide with the trends our industry sees in legislation each year. Last year, trends in litigation included amendments, architectural review, assessments, association operations, association powers, attorneys’ fees, bankruptcy, board elections, books and records, civil procedure, corporate, easement, or government, covenant enforcement, declarant control/construction defects, fair housing, foreclosure, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, insurance, leasing, maintenance, management companies, and premises liability.

This year’s case law update also featured several cases, which CAI submitted amicus curiae briefs for in 2019. CAI’s Amicus Curiae program allows our membership to educate a court about important legal and policy issues in cases related directly to the community association industry. You can find more on CAI’s amicus briefs here.

CAI’s case law database is an indispensable resource for community association lawyers across the nation. Whether your practice focuses on community association litigation, regulation, or legislation, please keep CAI’s database in mind.

CAI thanks the case law update team and presenters for volunteering their time and expertise in researching, organizing, and summarizing the important cases of 2019.


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