by Phoebe E. Neseth, Esq. | Feb 27, 2020 | State Advocacy
The CAI Board of Trustees adopted a new public policy, Amendment Process to Remove Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants, that allows a community association board to remove antiquated and unenforceable discriminatory restrictions contained in covenants without a vote...
by Dawn Bauman, CAE | Feb 21, 2020 | Assistance Animals, State Advocacy
As of today, 44 state legislatures have convened, and CAI is tracking more than 1,000 bills impacting community associations. This is part two of our 2020 state legislative trends. Read part one here. In addition to affordable housing, construction warranties, reserve...
by Dawn Bauman, CAE | Feb 14, 2020 | State Advocacy
As of today, 39 state legislatures have convened, and CAI is tracking more than 1,000 bills impacting community associations. Based on the bills that have been introduced this year and trends from last year, we anticipate our advocacy efforts will focus on several...
by C. Scott Canady | Feb 6, 2020 | Assistance Animals, Disaster Relief, Federal Advocacy, HAM Radio
41 states and the District of Columbia 2020 legislative sessions have commenced, and CAI is tracking more than 1,000 pieces of legislation impacting community associations. In addition, U.S. Congress is in session and the federal agencies continue their work—some of...