CAI Advocacy Connects with State Legislators at NCSL Legislative Summit
CAI’s Government and Public Affairs team joined more than 200 organizations—including corporations, federal, state, and local government agencies, trade associations, special interest groups, and consulting firms—this week as an exhibitor at the 2023 National Conference of State Legislatures’ Legislative Summit in Indianapolis. CAI showcased its expertise as the leading international authority on the community association housing model to more than 3,000 state legislators, their staff, federal officials, and other attendees representing all 50 states and 20 countries, while also developing new relationships with influential state government officials.

All Politics is Local: Mid-Year CAI Local Advocacy Update
CAI Advocacy works with state legislative action committees (LACs) across the country to increase our advocacy presence at the local level. Over the last several years the community association industry saw an increase in the number of proposed ordinances in counties,...