The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is reviewing state and local laws that may slow consumer access to high-speed (broadband) Internet service. The FCC is prepared to pre-empt state and local “impediments” to the installation of the communications infrastructure necessary to bring broadband Internet service to all households.

CAI recognizes Americans want greater access to faster and more reliable broadband Internet service. However, we believe the infrastructure can be developed without having an adverse impact on community associations. To achieve this balance, we are asking you to share your community’s experience with broadband infrastructure development.

It is critical the FCC know about your community’s experience with broadband Internet access by June 12, 2017.

  • Has your community collaborated with a communications service provider to install towers, utility poles, or subterranean conduit to expand or improve broadband access?
  • Have communications service providers obtained access to rights of way and installed infrastructure (i.e., towers or poles) without regard to homeowner concerns?
  • Does your community own and operate broadband cable or fiber infrastructure?

Your community’s experience—positive or negative—can have a direct impact on FCC policy.

To tell your community’s story, follow the links below.

FCC Study on Wireline (underground or pole-strung cable or fiber) Broadband Infrastructure

FCC Study on Wireless (towers and antennas) Broadband Infrastructure

Thank you in advance for helping Community Associations Institute (CAI) tell the Federal Communications Commission how broadband infrastructure may impact condominiums, housing cooperatives, homeowner associations.

For additional background, click here.

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