To date, 29 states have entered their pre-filing period for this upcoming year’s legislative session. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, the pre-filing process allows bills to be prepared and introduced before regular session convenes. This process increases the efficiency and streamlines the legislative process by allowing more time to draft bills and consider to which committee a bill will be referred and by allowing committees to establish agendas before the first week of session—letting them begin work immediately when session convenes.
The states entering the pre-filing period include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, and Wyoming. Forty-four state legislatures will convene in 2022. There are only six states that do not permit pre-filing and only allow legislative proposals to be made once their legislature convenes. These include California, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
CAI’s Government and Public Affairs team is closely monitoring, reviewing, and tracking pre-filed legislation for 2022 legislative sessions. Florida’s General Assembly has pre-filed 467 bills for their 2022 legislative session. Several of the bills impact the community association housing model, including one on certification and education requirements for association board directors, one with amendments to the Florida Marketable Title Act, a bill introducing a condominium fraud investigation pilot program, and even a bill regulating U.S. Space Force flags in associations.
New Hampshire’s General Assembly also has pre-filed several bills impacting the industry, including one that focuses on condominium instruments and special assessments and a bill regulating an association’s ability to create covenants restricting solar panels.
To help our members navigate legislation in their state, CAI has a brand new and innovative legislative and policy tracking system and map. The dynamic resource is updated daily with new bills and status changes. Legislation can be filtered by year, state, issue, or sub-issue. You also can search by keywords in bill titles. This platform also allows for new robust reporting for CAI’s legislative action committees. Please connect with your CAI Federal Legislative Action Committee liaison to learn more.
CAI monitors legislation related to:
- Community association governance and management
- Community association values
- Community association relationships with governmental departments and agencies
CAI encourages you to bookmark the new legislative tracking site and check your state’s updates daily to stay on top of the bills being proposed. If you have questions or comments, please contact CAI’s Government and Public Affairs team at
Learn more about CAI’s additional advocacy resources for members.