Every year, CAI collects the top advocacy resources, successes, and plans for the coming year in our 12 Days of Advocacy. We post information on the CAIadvocacy Twitter account. Count down to the New Year as we wrap up 2022 here:
Day 1: What is CAI Advocacy? CAI advocates for the 74 million people that live in condominiums, housing cooperatives, and homeowners associations. Explore our state and federal legislative efforts and sign up to be advocate here: www.votervoice.net/CAI/home
Day 2: CAI LACs monitor state legislation, educate lawmakers, and protect the interests of those living and working in community associations. Want to get involved with CAI’s legislative efforts in your state? Check out CAI’s state Legislative Action Committees here and become a voice for your community association: www.caionline.org/Advocacy/LAC/Pages/default.aspx
Day 3: CAI develops policies and best practices. In 2022, CAI released two new public policies on issues affecting the community association industry. The year 2022 has been busy! CAI’s volunteers advocates and leaders helped create public policies on accessory dwelling units and political/non-commercial signs and flags in community associations. Check out all of CAI’s public policies here: www.caionline.org/Advocacy/PublicPolicies
Day 4: If you’re here, you already know that CAI’s advocacy blog is updated weekly. Subscribe and get analysis and breakdown of current issues as they happen. Follow The CAI advocacy blog and stay up to date on current discussions going on in community associations around the nation: www.advocacy.caionline.org
Day 5: Our new legislative tracking map keeps you up to date on the bills active on the state and federal levels. CAI’s Legislative Tracking Map is a great way to track what legislation is happening in your neck of the woods. Make sure to have it bookmarked ahead of the 2023 legislative season.
Day 6: Have a creative idea to improve advocacy efforts? Has your community held an event you’re proud of? We want to know! Leave a comment or email government@caionline.org with your suggestions.
Day 7: What is the impact of community associations around the nation? Our statistical review is a great way to know how the community association model grew and changed in 2022. Over 74 million Americans live in associations – check out this year’s statistics here: www.foundation.caionline.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2021-2CAIStatsReviewWeb.pdf
Day 8: Who’s up for a challenge? Nearly 300 advocates have pledged to complete monthly challenges to support CAI and our priorities. Join our Advocacy Ambassadors and be a voice for community associations today.
Day 9: CAI members are the largest nonpartisan voting bloc, and our team is a proud partner of National Voter Registration Day. In 2022, new legislators took office and new districts created based on results of the 2020 census. Do you know who represents you? Check out your elected officials on our website: www.votervoice.net/CAI/address
Day 10: Are you a political influencer? If you know a legislator or their staff, please let us know in our Relationships Center! This is critical for us as we prepare for one of the biggest legislative seasons yet in 2023.
Day 11: Ready for 2023? Every year, CAI surveys advocates across the country and releases the top priorities for the coming legislative session. What’s on the docket for 2023? Find out here: https://advocacy.caionline.org/2023-cai-state-advocacy-priorities/
Day 12: Make your voice count in 2023! Make sure to follow our team on Twitter and here on the blog to stay up to date on community association legislative accomplishments throughout 2023.